Holds may be placed on your registration or graduation at Saint Louis University for academic, administrative or conduct issues, as well as for outstanding fees or failure to return 博彩网址大全 property.
Students may view their Holds by logging into my博彩网址大全 and then Banner Self-Service. Once in Banner Self-Service, look in the top right corner of your "My Student Profile." Click in the box to see details about any holds that need to be addressed.
The most common reasons, as well as their solutions, can be found on this page.
St. Louis Campus Holds
Materials required for your application to Saint Louis University have not been received.
- Undergraduate students: Contact the Office of Admission at admission@xingtaiyichuang.com or 314-977-2500.
- Graduate students: Contact the Office of Admission at graduate@xingtaiyichuang.com or 314-977-2500.
Information is needed regarding your academic file.
- Master's Students: Contact LaToya Cash at latoya.cash@xingtaiyichuang.com or 314-977-2245.
- Doctoral Students: Contact Christine Harper at harperc@xingtaiyichuang.com or 314-977-2243.
Certain graduate students must maintain continuous enrollment during each nine-month academic year. Some students must also enroll each summer. If you violate the mandatory continuous-enrollment policy, you must pay a fee/penalty that will be determined by the number of consecutive semesters you were not enrolled.
If your enrollment gap is three years or more, you will need to reapply for admission and pay any associated fees. Contact your graduate education candidacy advisor for more information.
- Master's Students: Contact LaToya Cash at latoya.cash@xingtaiyichuang.com or 314-977-2245.
- Doctoral Students: Contact Christine Harper at harperc@xingtaiyichuang.com or 314-977-2243.
Compliance with our vaccination requirement, as outlined below, will ensure your ability to be a student on our St. Louis campuses this fall.
Submission of proof of vaccine is via this online portal.
Proof simply is a digital copy of your completed CDC COVID-19 vaccine card [http://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/second-shot.html#vaccination-second-shot] , or of a vaccination card provided by the vaccination site where you obtained a World Health Organization-approved COVID-19 vaccine.
If you are not vaccinated, we will offer multiple opportunities for you to obtain your COVID-19 vaccine on campus this summer and at the start of the fall semester. Please schedule your vaccination appointment here. Vaccines also are offered at most pharmacies, including Walgreens, CVS, Target and others. You can search for COVID-19 vaccines in your hometown here, using your zip code.
It is our hope for your compliance with our requirements to ensure a vibrant and safe return to campus life.
If you have questions, please reach out as soon as possible to pandemic@xingtaiyichuang.com or conduct@xingtaiyichuang.com.
There are outstanding conditions required for your admission to Saint Louis University. Contact the Office of Admission at graduate@xingtaiyichuang.com or 314-977-2500.
A dean's office has placed a hold on your account for one of the following reasons:
- Academic Dismissal
- Admission Condition Not Met
- BJC Bridge Program
- BJC Student Dismissed
- Provisional/Probationary Status
- U1 - See advisor to register
- U2 - See advisor to register
- Unclassified Status
Contact your advisor or the dean's office for assistance in removing this hold.
The dean of students office has placed a hold on your account for one of the following reasons:
- Failure to substantively comply with the agreed-upon recommendations in your
Behavioral Concerns Committee (BCC) agreement. - Failure to meet with the Dean of Students or his/her designee at the appointed time.
- Failure to comply with recommendations given by the Dean of Students or his/her designee.
Contact the Dean of Students Office at 314-977-1572 or at deanofstudents@xingtaiyichuang.com for assistance in removing this hold.
The Department of Visual and Performing Arts has placed a hold on your account because information is needed for your academic file. Contact the department at 314-977-3030
There are outstanding conditions required for your admission to Saint Louis University. Contact the Office of Admission at graduate@xingtaiyichuang.com or 314-977-2500.
The Office of International Services has placed a hold on your student record. Contact the office at 314-977-2318 or internationalservices@xingtaiyichuang.com.
INTO 博彩网址大全 has placed a hold on your account due to missing official admission documents.
INTO 博彩网址大全 has placed a hold on your account for one of the following reasons: address issue, balance issue, special arrangements, returned payment/check, third-party sponsor has not paid, insurance waiver not received. Contact the INTO 博彩网址大全 office at 314-977-3926 or into.slu.finance@xingtaiyichuang.com.
INTO 博彩网址大全 has placed a hold to prevent students from registering themselves or changing their schedule. No student action required.
All Information Technology Services outstanding materials, balances and fines must be taken care of prior to registration or graduation. Check if you have an ITS Balance or have materials checked out by calling the service desk at 314-977-4000, ext. 2. All fines must be paid at one of the two Student Tech Services locations.
The College for Public Health and Social Justice has placed a hold on your account because the Academic Integrity Pledge signature page is missing from your academic file. Carefully review the University Academic Integrity Policy and review the tenets of the CPHSJ honor covenant then print and sign the signature page.
- Undergraduate Students: Return the signed signature page to Katie Linnenbrink via email at linnenbrink@xingtaiyichuang.com or bring a physical copy to Tegeler Hall, 300 West.
- Graduate Students: Return the signed signature page to Salus Center, Room 1401P.
The ESL hold may be issued for any of the reasons listed below:
- You need to make an appointment with your ESL advisor to discuss midterm progress. Bring a copy of your midterm grades.
- You need to retest in order to show fulfillment of 博彩网址大全 language requirements.
- A teacher or program coordinator has asked that you be tested.
- The ESL Academic Committee has placed a hold on your account because you have not yet fully passed either the
- TOEFL/IELTS and/or the 博彩网址大全WE.
- All students in EAP 115, 120 and 130 automatically have a hold before registration period opens. You will not be able to register for classes until you make an appointment with your ESL adviser. The maximum number of credits allowed for the next semester will be determined based on your progress in the program.
Speak to your EAP 120 and 130 instructors about advising and requirements. To address the hold, you may need to take the institutional TOEFL on specified dates before midterm, and at the end of the semester if needed. Take the 博彩网址大全WE in your 115 class. Once you have your test scores and midterm grades, make an appointment with an ESL adviser. If you do not know who this is, or for any questions, contact Angela Rellegert at 314-977-3200.
Student Financial Services has placed a hold on your account for one of the following reasons:
- Address issue
- Balance issue
- Special arrangements
- Returned payment/check
- Third party sponsor has not paid
- Unfinished financial aid requirements
Contact their office at 314-977-2350 or stdaccts@xingtaiyichuang.com for more information.
Student Financial Services has placed a hold on your account because you are currently behind on monthly payments. This hold will be removed once your bill is paid in full and payment has cleared.
Your student educational services advisor has placed a hold on your account for academic reasons. See your student educational services advisor to have the hold lifted.
The Student Health Center has placed a hold on your account due to incomplete or outdated immunization accounts. (Find out more about required immunizations and health forms.)
Submit these accounts or call 314-977-2323 for more information in order to lift the hold.
You must meet with your student success coach prior to registration. Schedule an appointment through 博彩网址大全 Appointments or call 314-977-3484.
Due to your time to degree expiring, you must complete the Petition for an Extension of the Time Period to Complete Degree Requirements.
Contact your graduate program coordinator for additional information.
Contact Graduate Education at at graduateeducation@xingtaiyichuang.com or call
Madrid Campus Holds
You were admitted to 博彩网址大全-Madrid with the condition of obtaining a minimum GPA of a 2.5 by the end of your first semester and your academic performance will need to be reviewed by the office of academic advising before you may register. Email advising-madrid@xingtaiyichuang.com for more information.
Application documents or English level test scores required for your application to 博彩网址大全- Madrid have not been received. Contact the office of admission at admissions-madrid@xingtaiyichuang.com.
No active billing, permanent or local address is on file for you. Update your current address information in Banner Self-Service. For additional questions, contact the office of finance at finance-madrid@xingtaiyichuang.com.
You have been subject to disciplinary action and must complete your sanction. Comply with what was stated in your discipline letter and present it to the director of student life.
You need to update your emergency contact information on file (in Banner Self-Service). Once you have updated your emergency contact information, or if you have any additional questions, contact the office of student life (student-madrid@xingtaiyichuang.com) so they can release your hold.
The office of finance has placed a hold on your account because of an unpaid balance. Contact the office at finance-madrid@xingtaiyichuang.com.
This hold prevents you from registering or requesting a transcript due to an unpaid balance. If you are a non-U.S. student, contact finance in Madrid (finance-madrid@xingtaiyichuang.com). If you are a U.S. student, contact the Student Financial Services office at the St. Louis campus (sfs@xingtaiyichuang.com) to resolve the hold.
You have not signed and returned your housing agreement. Contact the office of student life at housing-madrid@xingtaiyichuang.com or +34 915545858.
You have a pending balance for your housing fees. Enter into the housing payment page or contact the office of finance at finance-madrid@xingtaiyichuang.com.
All outstanding books and fines must be taken care of prior to registration/graduation. Fix library holds by returning documents and/or paying the fines through the Madrid Library. For more information, contact the library at library-madrid@xingtaiyichuang.com.
The office of academic advising has placed a hold on your account due to a change in your academic standing. Visit the academic advising office or contact your academic adviser.
You have a pending tuition balance. U.S. students, contact Student Financial Services at sfs@xingtaiyichuang.com. Non-U.S. students, contact the office of finance at finance-madrid@xingtaiyichuang.com.
If your hold is not listed above, contact the Office of the University Registrar at 314-977-2269 or by visiting room 119 of DuBourg Hall.